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Today we have the Dark Moon in Pisces. It may be a weird day if I'm going to be completely honest. A day when you may feel like it's hard to get off the ground. You may be feeling emotionally off, or just the fact that nothing seems to be turning out how you think it should. Adding to this Dark Moon, Mercury has stationed. This can bring about a feeling stuck vibe. But don't let this be the deciding fact of the day as the Moon will move into Aires later. So go easy on yourself. The Vibration of the Sun will come out and the light will shine! Look, I don't mean to sound cheesy. But I'm excited about the changes this energy is going to have in a more positive form. It's about making changes for the better. Even though when your in the thick of it, and it seems like it's all doom and gloom the universe has a plan. So just release, flow and find the light.

There is a strong message for this energy today. There are many ways to learn and grow some ways are joyful and some are more challenging. Sometimes a challenge can be best resolved through profound struggle that forces you to transform in such a way that you can never go back to what has been. The struggle might have been deeply painful for the mind body and emotions and yet what is gained from this experience is a multiplicity of blessings. Personal power, freedom, insight, self respect and wisdom. these qualities then can help you live a better life where that past pain not need to be repeated. Blessings at other times may be gained through joyful experiences. Sometimes the struggle is what will bring the greatest spiritual progress. Sometimes a more joyful path will be how your grow best. Thee Universe loves you with such a passion that you shall never be denied what you need and what shall help you fulfill your divine destiny.

Gosh, talk about completely dropping the ball this week! First off my PC went down the gurgler right as mercury went retrograde and ever since then I felt like I had been put on hold for a while, which was interesting because there was just so much to talk about. Like the Full Moon in Libra at 1.37 am on the 1st of April. The sign of balance and harmony. Considering this Lumanari at the time was in opposition to Neptune. This is all about a higher calling, go with the flow of what the universe is saying, trust in your own intuition at take note of the signs around you. It could be a tough choice with the Sun being in the sign of Aries thinking you know best (ego) and taking the glorified road. But, Saturn has other plans. We were being schooled with this one, connecting deep with spiritual pathways urging us to follow our souls destiny. This is quite an event up in the cosmos with the heavy transit of Sun Square Saturn. Being another aspect to put you back on track with your spiritual contracts. We haven't seen this type of challenging aspect between the Sun and Saturn for a very long time. In fact I think since about the 90s. Also to add to that, we haven't had this many aspects between inner planets and luminaries for a while either, and many of these in their home or exalted signs, the universe is bringing out the big wigs for this time and space so it's wise to be prepared for anything.

Could this Full moon be leading us to a more balanced harmonious life? Well funny that, today we had a Mars conjunct Saturn aspect in Capricorn. Since this one came in all I've felt like doing is work, work, work. This goes a little deeper than that though, it could be prompting you to take a deep look into yourself and the road you're heading down right now. Because this conjunction is making a minor square to Mercury there may be a few issues to rethink or plans to refine. Since Neptune is also in the mix it is no coincidence that this all connects with divine timing. This energy right now feels like a supercharge, a boost of energy to get you right on your way down your truest spiritual pathway. Saturn is of course in his home sign, so he trumps Mars, but remember these two are malefics so many out there won't be having a charming stroll through the sunny meadow skipping through the wheatgrass. Saturn is not called the great destroyer for no particular reason. His gift is to destroy ego based plans to wake you up and set you on your path to fulfill your higher calling. So I guess it is for the greater good isn't it. Like I said, be prepared for anything. If you feel something is not right, its most likely because its not. Go with your gut because its guiding you.

Picture: Moonchildtarot

Updated: Mar 19, 2018

As we come into the weekend the Moon is in the Dark Phase. This energy is pretty chill and I'd say it is more of a trigger of internal processing. Reflect on the past month, process and surrender to the emotions you feel. Pisces after all represents feeling on all levels. So just let things flow. This is a great time for understanding emotions and releasing tension before the New Moon on Sunday. Be kind to yourself this weekend, we have to remember to be in alignment with our authentic selves. Is to pause, be present, hear your heart. Whatever you will resist will persist. So go with it.

Let's welcome in the New Moon Energy in Pisces.This New Moon sets on the last degrees Conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. This is the perfect time to release fear based emotions and patterns. With so much high spiritual energy about this can be an ultra sensitive vibe for some. Look at it as universal law clearing out low vibrations that don't actually serve you. Ask yourself, is holding onto fear serving my highest Good? This energy is all about realising. You are the maker of your own path. Have courage, Pisces is deep. It's not going to skip along the countryside and throw you some fluff. You may have to work through the feels. And you can. Have the courage to set brighter horizons for the coming Moon cycle.

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