This evening kicks off a special event. Our gentle giant Jupiter turns retrograde. It's no coincidence that he starts to retract his steps when the Moon is in Sagittarius, this planet's ruler. This indicates a time of reflection, and because Jupiter is in Scorpio this energy may bring about deep set desires or at least start to trigger what it is that you want to bring into your life that resonates with your soul. I said this was deep. Or make you come to some realisation of what no longer resonates with you. Either way, it's a powerful time.
Things brought to the forefront within the next month ain't for no reason, so pay attention to the signs. What has been missing that may have suddenly appeared back into your life or mind? This unbelievably generous planet is giving you another chance to go over your hearts desires. Could this be a second chance to rein in what your heart truly desires. On a soul level. Meditate on that today, specifically before 6pm NZ Time. Jupiter the abundant giver will not disappoint. Don't miss this opportunity for greatness.