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The Dark Moon

Today we welcome the Moon into Aquarius. She is connected with many but the main focus I feel is higher learning. We are in a dark moon phase which means the Moon is now in the shadow of the Sun. Be weary of her influence, being a Malefic Moon phase the negative traits of Aquarius may be triggered. Be careful of what you say to others and try not to come from a place of judgement. With the influences around at the mo, some may get too caught up with what's happening in other people's lives. On a more positive note. Detachment can be seen as a negative side of Aquarius but it does not have to be depicted this way. Instead, what do feel you are detaching from? Could it be old patterned behaviour, a negative situation that you are done with, a stale relationship or arguments.

Uranian energy is divine and with all that is going on in the cosmos especially with Saturn In Capricorn. You may think you have a plan, you may think you know the road ahead. But Uranus may have a higher learning in store. You could be getting schooled on this one. ESPECIALLY with the eclipse happening. Just be prepared for ANYTHING. Anything can happen under so much Uranian force. All we can really do is be kind, spread the light & don't buy into the Dark moon vibes. Cos if you go down the road of judgement, your not going to be the one coming out better off in the situation. I guarantee you.


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